Thursday, 18 December 2014

I'm fed up.

I'm sure this is something every infertile feels at some point.

We are nearing our 6 year mark and I've had enough. My original consultant said 3.5yrs?! That's a long time to try and get pregnant. 3.5yrs now to me feels like nothing. I didn't cry about it then, I didn't sit here and wonder if I would ever get to hold my baby in my arms whilst I kiss its head. I just took for granted that it would eventually happen. 6yrs on and I'm now thinking it probably won't.

Everytime I hear a pregnancy announcement from one of my friends it's like a kick in the gut. Most of them aren't trying and the ones that did compare their measly 6  month struggle to mine and tell me that they must know how I'm feeling.

They have absolutely NO idea and very few are interesting in actually trying to find out if I'm ok. They all seem to want to know what is going on with the IVF cycle and when we will try again, but they don't actually care that some nights I just want to cry myself to sleep or that sometimes I'm overcome with positivity. This journey doesn't concern them because they're not fully invested in it like I am and they like I did, take their fertility for granted.

I know most fertile people will understand this, but when you mention to a friend that someone you both know is pregnant we want you to be outraged that it's them that fell pregnant and not you. Not just say oh yeah, I saw that on facebook. Sometimes we just need to have a good bitch about fertile people even if it's just to make us feel a bit better for a few minutes.

This is my 6th Christmas baby free. Guess it means I can have a few drinks, but who wants drinks when you could cuddle up with your baby?